How to Help Kids Stay Engaged During Homeschooling

Learning is integral to the success of a child. With that in mind, it’s important to keep them engaged during homeschooling. After all, you want the productive use of time and the academic success of your child. But how do I keep children’s engagement and attention in learning activities? Well, that’s a good question.

Most parents thought that homeschooling is a walk in the park only to realize that it isn’t. And that’s why at Outstanding Outcomes Home Tuition we try to offer tailor-made solutions to parents, knowing that when learners absorb lessons, they’ll perform at their best. As you are aware, motivation makes learners perform their best.

To know whether your child is engaged in the activities at hand, look for the following tell-tell signs: are they slow on assignments? Are they too quiet? What about their body language? When a child fidgets too much on their seat it may mean they are bored and not fully engaged. Also, check on their attention span. Depending on the age of the child, attention span can be as little as 5 minutes to as much as 20 or 30 minutes.

To keep kids engaged, you need to consider the tips we offer below.

How Do You Keep Kids Engaged During Homeschooling?

1. Break the Routine

This is homeschooling and as we had already discussed, it’s flexible. Why don’t you have lessons between 20 to 30 minutes instead of hour-long? Remember, the attention span of a child is small.

2. Get Rid of Technology

A child’s mind can be stimulated by mind-engaging tasks. Unfortunately, technology doesn’t do justice to a child and ends up utilizing only a small portion of their brains. Why don’t you have games, crossword puzzles, Sudoku to name but a few mind-engaging take-ups for learning?

3. Don’t Focus On Weaknesses

All children struggling with something in their learning. But instead of reminding them about it which is unhealthy emotionally, why don’t you commend on their academic strengths? This positive reinforcement will make them work even harder and improve academically. It can even make them work on their weaknesses, believing they can conquer anything.

4. Help Them to Be Organized

It’s prudent that the learning space is free of clutter. This way, finding items such as pens, books, and other learning materials will be so easy that there won’t be time wastage at a stage. However, if they are disorganized it takes too long for them to find what they need at the right time, which means they’ll not be engaged at all during learning.

5. Focus on That Learning Space

Who said that learning should always take place at the dining table? As you are homeschooling, you can change the learning space. Use the portico, the backyard, library, just about any place to keep your kids motivated. Let them breathe the fresh air outside for their young minds need it.

6. Feed Your Child

Food provides essential nutrients for the mind and gives the energy needed for the child to focus on their day. A balanced diet: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. However, allow your child to eat frequently. That’s the beauty of homeschooling. The timetable isn’t rigid.

7. Come Up With a Reward Scheme

Together with your child, decide what happens when your child is done with the assignment. Do they have an extra sweet? Or will you take him or her on a trip to the mall, or to watch a movie? Remember, when they have something they are expecting at the end, they will sit still and concentrate on learning.

8. Hire a Tutor

You might have noticed that your child isn’t fully engaged during learning or that you don’t have the energy or even the time to follow through on their academic journey. Let that not worry you. At Outstanding Outcomes Home Tuition, our team is always ready to help. Please get in touch and one of our tutors will visit you to help your child.

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